Jaryd Walley

Jaryd Walley

Owner, Mobili Farm Tables

Founder artisan woodworker Jaryd Walley was raised in San Fernando Valley California. Involved in show business at an early age; his father a professional musician for Frank Zappa and many notable acts in the 1970s and his mother an executive chef in Beverly Hills. In 1985 he began his own career at Lexington Scenery and Props in Burbank Ca. He built scenery and props for television shows such as In Living Color and Beverly Hills 90210, movies such as Independence Day and Titanic, as well as scenery for several Disney attractions, Universal Studios, Las Vegas Casinos and Theme Parks worldwide.

For over a decade he worked with talented professionals in the industry and mastered his craft as an artisan prop maker; relishing in the challenges of making props by hand. Creating such props to look authentic on screen takes a lot of research and when a prop maker works on a period film he needs to utilize his knowledge of history.With the progression of technology in the film industry and automation in most scenery shops, he saw a decrease in the film industry in Hollywood. Walley decided to expand his horizons and move on from Hollywood. He finally settled and fell in love with the Upstate of Greenville South Carolina.Walley went from building movie sets to making traditional fine furniture, Philadelphia sideboards, Sheraton dining tables as well as Chippendale High Boy Dressers; real incredible stuff. However, the creations lacked the raw artistic early American History style that Walley had become so fond of while visiting Historical Homes and Plantations in Charleston, SC. He realized that he could utilize the abilities and techniques he learned in Hollywood to craft antique heart pine farm tables and Furniture that would capture the imagination of what an authentic piece would have looked like.

So he created Mobili, which is Italian for “furniture”. He wanted to display his Italian mother’s philosophy that simply states that when you create something, you start with the very best ingredients and keep it simple; it’s your passion that makes it so good.

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